Posts Tagged ‘purple labs’

Why I Should Win The Purple Labs HSN Contest

January 12, 2010

Well hello to you all! First I want to say a BIG thank you! to all my supporters. I could not do this without you!

As many of you know, I entered a contest a little over a month ago to win a trip to Florida to be a makeup model for Purple Labs when they air on HSN in February. I have been doing really well since I entered (stayed in the top 5 since day 1), and all my supporters have made this the best experience ever. I never knew I could have so many people say amazingly wonderful things about me everyday. The support has been immense, and unexpected, and more than appreciated. I don’t know what I’ll do when it is over, I won’t have anywhere to go to get my ego boost every day!

I know that I would make the time Purple Labs has on HSN a much brighter place, with my golden attitude, and personable traits. There are a few reasons I think this and these are a few of them.

I’ll be one of the best friends you’ve ever had, being a friend is something that has always come naturally to me. People’s feelings mean so much in my everyday world, and because of that I find myself to be a very trusted and relied on person. If I was not able to make at least one person smile each day, I know my life would be much less pleasant. People are my passion. Along with a few other things in this world, people are something I just will never get enough of.

I’m not your average girl, I have overcome a lot in my short time on this earth, and all those experiences have shaped me into a very unique and strong woman. My story is not a light one, but it is absolutely an amazing one. I think that having these life experiences makes me more able to relate to any person that might be watching the show.

Makeup is my paint, skin is my canvas. It is an art and I am in love, love, love with makeup. Even if my friendliness made no difference in choosing who wins, my love for what we are playing with should make a difference 🙂 I have more makeup than any  normal woman should have, and I am always adding more. I can’t wait until I have all of Purple Labs Products in my kit!

Photography, fashion, beauty, and more! Are all the things I live for (besides my family of course). I work as a photographer and makeup artist so this scene is not a new one for me. Being on t.v. is just the next step!

Networking is a new skill. I have quite a good following on twitter and facebook and other social network sites. To do well in business you need to network well. I have found that in this business, people are the only thing you have. So the fact that I could invite 17,000  people from my twitter to watch the show on HSN, I would be quite a good addition to this party!

If none of these things makes me stand out  in the crowd a little more, then maybe just telling you that I have not wanted something this bad in a long time. I’ve never had an opportunity like this and I can’t imagine missing it. I want this so bad I might have even flown myself to florida to be there if it was necessary!

I take much pride in who I have become at this point in my life. It has taken a lot of work but I am 100% happy with myself, and my life. I realize there is only one thing in this life that I have to do to be happy, and that is live. Knowing that I am in control of how I feel at all times, keeps me working to always feel good!

Please send your support to my entry if you think I should be the one, and also get the word out there more about the contest and the show. It airs in February. I will let everyone know when exactly so you can watch me on HSN!!!!

Again thank you all more than I can ever say for being here for me the way you have been. It gives me so much joy to know there are so many amazing people out there supporting me.


Loves and Kisses


Purple Labs HSN Model Contest

December 8, 2009

Today I got an email from Purple Labs saying they are holding a contest to find a model to take with them on the HSN to highlight their new makeup line. I decided that I really needed to enter another contest so I did and at the moment I am in the #2 spot. I really want to win. I hope that I am able to keep up this momentum for the next couple months. It is a very long contest. But I can do it.

The top 100 voted for people are put in and Karen Robinovitz, Purple Labs Creatrix,  and her team get to pick the final winner. So I am asking all of you to vote for me. Please support me and help me win a trip to Florida to be on HSN with Purple Labs!

Purple Labs is a company birthed from the mind of fashion journalist/expert Karen Robinovitz. She was actually a biology major before finding that she would rather dabble in the more lighthearted things like fashion and writing. Wishing that she had a beauty product that had the ability to do more than one girly duty at time (double duty beauty), she came up with Huge Lips, Skinny Hips, a lip gloss that plumps your lips while, also making you feel less hungry. This was her debut product, however she has since released a few other products, and there are more to come. You can read more about her products and their double duties here. I am very excited to have a chance to be a part of this companies rise to success. Even if it is just a day or two 😛

Vote For Me Here

Thanks so much.

Hugs & Kisses
